
Starting a terminal¶

For these instructions, and for much of the class, you will need to have a terminal, or command line, open. This is a text-based interface to talk to your computer, and you can open it by running Terminal.app, which is found under /Applications/Utilities. If you have never used the terminal before, you may want to spend some time reading up on command-line basics.

Go ahead and open your terminal now. It should look something like this:

The prompt (where you will type your commands) may look different: it usually shows the computer name and user name, as well as the folder or directory you are currently in.


For the rest of this setup, I will tell you to run commands in your terminal. When I say that, I mean “type the command into the terminal and press the Return key.”

Making sure Java is installed¶

Run java-version in your terminal.

If Java is installed, you will see something like this in your terminal:

GitHub Gist: star and fork fohlin's gists by creating an account on GitHub. Double-click the jdk-8u111-macosx-x64.dmg file in your Downloads directory and walk through the installer. Installing Leiningen ¶ Leiningen is a tool used on the command line to manage Clojure projects. Over 1000 Predefined Software Templates. Desktop Central helps you to silently install or uninstall software to servers and desktops from a central place, including commercial software like Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat etc, without user intervention. It also lets you to publish the list of approved software on a self-service portal, making users install it themselves at their. Jdk-8u111-macosx-x64.dmg Descargar Mac Os X Tiger 10.4 Dmg Headband Of Intellect Dmg Srd K-lite Codec Pack Mac Dmg Contact Challenge Rating 5e In Dmg Mac Os Sierra Dmg File Download Usb Ready Restore Macbook Pro From Dmg File Have They Patched Magic Dmg In Dark Souls 3 Yet Mac Mount Dmg Read Only.

If Java is not installed, or the version number is less than 1.8 you can download it here Java Downloads

Click the Java download button.

Accept the license agreement, and download the version for Mac OS X.

Double-click the jdk-8u111-macosx-x64.dmg file in your Downloads directory and walk through the installer.

Installing Leiningen¶

Leiningen is a tool used on the command line to manage Clojure projects.

To install lein, execute the following commands in your terminal. You will be prompted to enter your password.

After you run the above commands, run the leinversion command. It should take a while to run, as it will download some resources it needs the first time. If it completes successfully, you are golden! If not, ask an instructor for help.

Getting setup with Heroku¶

Heroku is the tool we will use in order to put your application online where others can see it.

First, we need to create an account. Go to Heroku and click the “Sign up” link.

You will be taken to a form where you can create an account. Fill out that form, and you will be sent an email with a link to click to continue the signup process.

After clicking on the link, you will be taken to another form where you will need to choose a password. Choose one and enter it twice.

After all that, go here and click “Download Heroku Toolbelt for Mac OS X”.

If you do not see this link, you can download the toolbelt from toolbelt.heroku.com.

This will download a .pkg file. Double-click it to install the Heroku Toolbelt and follow all prompts from the installation wizard. You will need your OS X account password to complete installation. If you are prompted to create an SSH key, say yes. It may also prompt you to install git. Once the Heroku Toolbelt is installed, go to your terminal and run the command herokulogin. You will be prompted for your email and password on Heroku. If you enter them and the command ends successfully, congratulations!

Testing your setup¶

You have set up Java, Leiningen, Atom, Git, and Heroku on your computer–all the tools you will need for this course. Before starting, we need to test them out.

Go to your terminal and run the following command:

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This will check out a sample Clojure application from GitHub, a central repository for lots of source code. Your terminal should look similar to this picture:

Then run the command:

This will put you in the directory with the source code for this sample bit of Clojure code. After that completes, run:

This could take a long time, and will download many other pieces of code it relies on. You should see lines that start with Retrieving... on your screen. When it finishes, your terminal should look like the following:

This is starting a REPL, which we will learn about soon. It’s a special terminal for Clojure. At the REPL prompt, type (+11) and press Return. Did you get the answer 2 back? You will learn more about that in the course.

For now, enter (quit) to quit the REPL. (NOTE: you can also type (exit) or press the Control button and D button on your keyboard together).This should take you out of the Clojure REPL and back to your normal terminal prompt.

You should still be in the clojure-sample directory.

Run this command:


There should be output about something being created. A URL will be displayed. Look at the following example:

Next, run the following commands:

Enter “yes” if you are asked if you are sure you want to connect, like in the following image:

Your browser should open (and take a long time to load), and you should see a website like the following:

If your browser does not open after running herokuopen, start a browser and go to the URL displayed after you ran herokucreate.

Congratulations! That website is running code you have on your computer that you have uploaded. You have actually made a very simple Clojure app, and your computer is all set up to make more.

Try the koans¶

If you’re a track 2 student, try to tackle running the koans.

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IDE を使うのは初めてなので、一般的な開発環境の Android Studio 2.2.3 をmacOS Sierra 10.12.2に組んでみました。単にMacを久しぶりに使ってみたかったのと、Windowsで端末毎のUSBドライバ関係に懲りているだけとも言う。


  1. JDKのインストール
  2. Android Studio のインストール
  3. 足りないSDKを追加でインストール

1. JDKのインストール



入っていないので、Java SE Development Kit 8からJDK8u111をインストール。
Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE を Accept License Agreementしてダウンロード。「jdk-8u111-macosx-x64.dmg」を起動してインストール。


2. Android Studio のインストール

Android Studio とSDK ツールをダウンロードを開いてANDROID STUDIOボタン?を押下して表示されたライセンスに同意し Android Studio for MAC をダウンロード。
「android-studio-ide-145.3537739-mac.dmg」をクリックしてインストーラを起動。表示されたウインドウで Android Studio アイコンをアプリケーション・フォルダにドラッグ&ドロップすればインストールされます。細かいことはダウンロードサイトに書いてありますが、Macはこの手の変なGUI操作が必要なので直感的に解らないことが多い。
あとはアプリとしてAndroid Studio を起動して、2回選択とFinish 押したらインストールが開始されました。途中で認証聞かれて完了。

  • 以前の環境はないので引き継がない
  • Standard

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3. 足りないSDKを追加でインストール

インストール完了時点でAndroid Studio ウインドウが開いたままなので、「Configure」から「SDK Manager」を選択。デフォルトだと「Android 7.1.1 (Nougat) API Level 25」しかSDKが入っていないので、手元の機器に合わせて「Android 4.4 (KitKat) API Level 19」以上を入れておく。

「Launch Standalone SDK Manager」で必要なものを追加。

  • Android SDK Build-tools は全部

各API (Level 19 以上)の packages については次の通り。

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  • Document は入れない
  • Glass, Android TV, Android Wear 関係は入れない
  • System Image (MIPS, ARM 64/EABI, Intel x86 Atom) 関係は入れる
  • Google APIs (ARM 64/EABI, Intel x86 Atom) 関連は入れる
  • Sources for Android SDK 関係は入れる

Extra は次の通り。

  • Android Support Repository
  • Google Play Service
  • Google Repository
  • simulator/emulator は入れない(実機デバック予定) 

やることの都合上「Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) API Level 9」位までは必要になる可能性が高いが、とりあえず手元の機器に合わせておく。

Accept License してインストール実行。1GB以上ダウンロード&展開するらしく結構かかるが、紅白が終わるまでにはなんとかなったので今年の作業は終了。